
Nutella Popsicles

  Ingredients                                      1 cup full cream milk               1/3 cups of Nutella  You will also need Popsicle moulds  Recipe Place the Nutella and milk in a blender and blend thoroughly until combined. Pour into popsicle moulds. Refrigerate and serve.                                             Enjoy these Nutella popsicles in the summers! Bibliography

Recipe: An Oreo Cake

              Ingredients 1 big packet Oreo cookies             Milk    Butter/Oil-for greasing                                              Recipe Separate the cream from the cookies. Crush the cookies in a blender. In a separate bowl, add milk bit by bit to the crushed cookies and keep mixing until the mixture has a cake batter-like consistency. Grease a pan with butter or oil to set the cake in the oven. Pour the cake batter in the pan. Put the pan in the oven at a temperature of 210 degree C for 18 mins. While the cake is in the oven add milk in a different bowl to the earlier separated oreo cream until it has an icing like consistency. Take the cake out of the oven. Let it cool, and carefully take it out of the pan. After it has cooled, design the cake with the earlier made icing and top it off with leftover Oreos.                                                       Enjoy Your 2 Ingredient Oreo Cake !

Recipe: Nutella Mousse

          Ingredients Nutella Mother Dairy Cream       Recipe Take the cream out in a bowl and mix it with a speed mixer. Next, put 3 tablespoons of Nutella in the cream and fold it with an egg beater. When you feel that the clumps are no more there, transfer the mixture in a mousse glass. Finally, refrigerate for 8 hours.                                     Enjoy your Nutella Mousse !